Beijing Arbitration Commission

7th Arbitrator Training Session Successfully Held at the Training Center of Tsinghua University Law School

Publish time: Tue Jun 17 00:00:00 CST 2008

    This year the BAC has overseen another successful training session. After one week, among 54 students, those with the qualified comprehensive scores will successively receive the qualification certificates for exam from Law School, Tsinghua University, and this certificate will also become an important prerequisite condition for these students to apply to be arbitrators of BAC in the future.

The Necessity of Training
    Arbitration is a job with a very strong technical and practical nature. In the eyes of parties, a successful arbitration practice is the outcome of the combination of accurate professional judgments and efficient procedure operation ability. In addition to being equipped with solid professional knowledge in related fields, arbitrators should also have a profound understanding of arbitration systems and practice, and be able to skillfully apply procedures. Poor arbitration skills on the part of arbitrators not only have the potential to damage the rights of the parties, but bring discredit to the field of arbitration.

    The BAC feels a great sense of responsibility toward parties, and the field of arbitration, and it is with this in mind that such great care and attention are taken in providing training to arbitrators. On Aug 25, 2004, the BAC officially passed a resolution: arbitrators who meet the “Administration methods for arbitrator recruitment,” have completed training, and have scored well on the training exams will be given an advantage in appointment as arbitrators, as well as in their assignment to cases.

    At the end of 2004, the BAC officially began its cooperation with the Training Center at Tsinghua University to organize the arbitrator training. Between the 1st training session in Jan 2005 and the 6th training session in June 2007, nearly 300 students were trained. The training sessions not only ensure that all newly recruited arbitrators have been trained uniformly they also have helped to establish a tradition and atmosphere of continuous training amongst the arbitrators. Before commencing the training, staff at the BAC once were concerned that potential arbitrators with such extensive experience might be averse to the idea of training. However, throughout the sessions we have seen that potential arbitrators understand and accept the importance of training. In fact, many current arbitrators continue to attend, and maintain and treat the sessions with a great deal of enthusiasm. The BAC believes this is incredibly important aspect in maintaining the current high quality and reputation of BAC arbitrators.

Brand-new Program Setting and Content at the 7th Training Session
    Based on feedback taken during the successful completion of the first six training sessions, the curriculum was readjusted and updated for the 7th training session. The curriculum upgrade was focused on improving practical skills, including an emphasis on correct procedure and a more detailed introduction to mediation. The new session also emphasized more interaction between the instructors and students, visuals via powerpoint, video clips of simulated hearing sessions, and group case discussion. The upgrade proved effective and increasing the enthusiasm and participation of the students, and improved their comprehension and digestion of the training content. As a result, students more clearly understand the arbitration procedure and are better able to participate in, and preside over the hearing of the arbitration cases.

Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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