Beijing Arbitration Commission

Seminar on Contract Management of International Construction Held at the BAC

Publish time: Mon May 04 00:00:00 CST 2009   Contributor:陈聪

The Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) and the Chinese European Arbitration Centre (CEAC) co-hosted a conference on Contract Management of International Construction in Beijing on April 28, 2009. Following the introduction of both organizations by Mr. Thomas Weimann and Mrs. Wang Hongsong separately, speakers from CEAC made presentations on EPC contract (by Mr. Tim Steadman), DRB/DAB (by Mr. Cameron Hassall and Mr. Matthew Buchanan), Risk Management of Foreign Law (by Eckart Brdermann) and Delay, Disruption and Acceleration (by Michael Kremer). The topics were of great interest of the audience, who were mainly from construction companies, law firms, colleges and universities attended the conference. The CEAC offers services of an institutional arbitration centre tailor-made to the needs of trade with China. The BAC is a leading arbitration institution that provides services for international commercial disputes, especially in construction and engineering fields.

The files of the presentations can be downloaded as follows:

01 Thomas Weimann Opening Remarks
02 Wang Hongsong Opening Remarks
03 Tim Steadman EPC Contract
04 Cameron Hassall & Matthew Buchanan DRB
05 Eckart Brdermann Risk Management of Foreign Law
06 Michael Kremer Delay, Disruption & Acceleration in Construction

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All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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