Beijing Arbitration Commission

HKIArb Visits BAC

Publish time: Mon Oct 11 00:00:00 CST 2010   Contributor:Wang Ze

In the afternoon of September 27, 2010, the delegation of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb), with Mr. Robert Whitehead SC, President of HKIArb and former Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA), as Head and Mr. Peter Chow SC, Vice-President of HKIArb, as Deputy Head and consisting 19 members including Council Members and members, visited BAC.

Secretary General WANG Hongsong is introducing BAC Members of the delegation are listening to the introduction carefully

Secretary General WANG Hongsong had a talk with the delegation and introduced to it BAC’s development in recent years. Members of the delegation showed great interest to the change of cases in BAC in recent years, the formulation and amendment of BAC’s arbitration and mediation rules, BAC’s institutional building and technical innovations, and had discussions and exchanges with Secretary General WANG Hongsong on such issues as the execution of arbitration awards, BAC’s independent arbitration rules and the difference between BAC and other arbitration institutions in the Chinese Mainland. Mr. Robert Whitehead SC made a speech and presented a souvenir to BAC in appreciation of its support to the delegation’s visit. After the talk, Secretary General WANG Hongsong accompanied the delegation to look around BAC’s office facilities.

Head of the delegation is presenting a gift Group photo with all members of the delegation
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All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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