Beijing Arbitration Commission

Secretary General Wang Hongsong speaks on Lex Mundi’s LADR Group’s annual meeting

Publish time: Sun Nov 07 00:00:00 CST 2010   Contributor:wang ze

In the November 5th, 2010, Secretary General Wang Hongsong attended the Lex Mundi’s annual conference at Jun He law office and made a presentation on the conference. The conference was organized by Lex Mundi’s Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LADR) group, While China is defined as one of the most vigorous market among the world, Chinese top arbitration institutions’ increasing activities also draw attentions on the international arbitration stage. Considering this fact, chair of the Lex Mundi’s LADR section, Mr. Joe Sepulchre has invited Madam Wang Hongsong to present a speech about the rationales and procedures of doing arbitration in China. CIETAC was also been invited.

Madam Wang was invited to make presentation
Madam Wang was lecturing

In Madam Wang Hongsong’s speech, she presented a detailed review of Chinese arbitration by using the Beijing Arbitration Commission as an example. The concrete statistics of the BAC’s caseload, the BAC’s disputed amount, and the overall review of Chinese arbitration institutions’ caseload was especially attractive to the participants. In the following Q&A section, questions concentrated in the factors and reasons that lead BAC’s outstanding developments. Madam Wang Hongsong answered questions and particularly clarified the differences between Article 33 in the BAC’s Arbitration Rules and the compulsory discovery process in the common law practices by citing the accurate Judicial Interpretation. In addition, Madam Wang Hongsong replied information about the payments to arbitrators, the responsibility of the secretariat, and etc. at the requests. Madam Wang Hongsong also discussed the future of Chinese arbitration and the possible cooperation with all the participants. The LADR meeting was concluded with continuing energetic discussions afterwards.

Group discussion
Madam Wang was answering questions

Lex Mundi is a leading association of independent law firms which has included over 160 top firms from 110 countries. It is an organization endeavor to provide the seamless legal services for the international clienteles. The participants of the LADR Group’s meeting held on November 5th, 2010 at Junhe Law office included Joe Sepulchre form the Belgian firm Liedekerke, Zou Weining from the Jun He Law Office, Cheung Kwok Kit from the Hong Kong firm Deacons, and others from Nishimura & Asahi Japan, from Philippines, from India, from Europe and other regions.

Participants from top firms

Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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