Beijing Arbitration Commission

Spanish Lawyers Visit BAC

Publish time: Mon Nov 22 00:00:00 CST 2010   Contributor:Wang Ze

In the afternoon of November 16, 2010, the delegation of Spanish lawyers who would participate in a training course in China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law visited BAC. The delegation, which was composed of more than twenty lawyers from major law firms of Spain and partners in law firms, was headed by Stefan Messmann, president of School of Law of Central European University that is one of partners of CESL and former chief law adviser of Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd.

Listening to the introduction about BAC
Secretary General WANG Hongsong and Mr. Messmann
Visiting members having a leisure entertainment in sport activity room of BAC Group photo with all members of the delegation

Secretary General WANG Hongsong, on behalf of BAC, expressed warm welcome to the delegation and introduced China’s arbitration system and BAC. In her introduction, Mrs. Wang highlighted the internationalization of BAC in terms of its arbitration rules, arbitration procedure, and independent mediation rules, for example, in international commercial arbitration parties may appoint arbitrator not listed, and may request for change of arbitrator on the grounds that mediation result may have effect on arbitration award; and under BAC’s independent mediation rule, it is a unique practice that mediators’ pay is charged independent of daily overhead. When asked how arbitration agency could be impartial and arbitral tribunal be independent, Mrs. Wang gave detailed explanation in respect of BAC’s management system, arbitration rules, rules of conduct for arbitrators, cultivation of arbitrators, as well as relevant work procedure and technique measures. Mrs. Wang ended her introduction with a summary of BAC’s achievement, in particular the sharp increase of international commercial cases accepted these years.

It is said that, the visiting delegation would finish a one-week training course in China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law, which would focus on aspects concerning EU investment in China. BAC was especially chosen by the delegation as a visiting destination in that BAC is considered as a typical example representing reform and opening-up of China’s arbitration system. One of visiting lawyers said after the leisure entertainment that one of his colleagues serves as an arbitrator in BAC and that he is eager to have more chance to know more about BAC and have more cooperation with arbitration agencies of BAC kind in China.
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