Beijing Arbitration Commission

BAC on Invitation at the 2011 International Forum on Private International Law

Publish time: Mon Oct 24 00:00:00 CST 2011   Contributor:Wang Ze

The grand 2011 International Forum on Private International Law was held at Beijing Central Garden Hotel during Oct. 22-23, 2011. The topic of the Forum was “Private international law against a background of globalization: opportunities and challenges”. Scholars from some 14 well-known academic institutions and research institutes in America, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Korea, and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were invited to present at the forum. Among the attendants, there were scholars from over 20 academic institutions in China including China University of Political Science and Law, Wuhan University, Tsinghua University, and People's University and experts and practitioners from NPC Standing Committee, Legal Affairs Office, Supreme People's Court, and Beijing Arbitration Commission. Nearly 100 persons attended the Forum. At the Forum, five topics were dealt with extensively: including standardizing of private international law against China’s private international law; new development of private international law in America, Europe, and other regions; new development of rules applicable to modern contract, infringement; and property rights; comment on Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations of the People’s Republic of China; and Diversified settlement mechanisms for international civil and commercial disputes. “The Beijing consensus of 2011 International Forum on Private International Law” was reached. Director Chen Fuyong and Secretary Zhang Jiechao from the BAC attended the Forum upon the invitation. Chen Fuyong made a speech on “Joint mediation in settling international commercial disputes: the advantages and disadvantages”.

A full view of the meeting place
Director Chen Fuyong makes a speech
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