Beijing Arbitration Commission

Tea Party of 2012 Spring Festival Accomplished Successfully

Publish time: Thu Jan 12 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wang Ze

In the morning on Jan. 10, 2012, the International Convention Hall of the Beijing Arbitration Commission (the BAC) was in the bustling and exciting atmosphere. Over 180 arbitrators got together here to participate in tea party of 2012 Spring Festival, which was hosted by the BAC committee member Che Pizhao and the former director of Law Committee of National People's Congress Yang Jingyu and vice director of Civil Law Office, Sub-committee of Legislative Affairs of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress Jia Dongming participated in the Tea Party. Jiang Ping, the Chairman of the BAC, was present and sent out his message of congratulation on the coming Spring Festival.

(Che Pizhao is hosting the tea party)

(Secretary-General Wang Hongsong is giving the work report)

Firstly, the Secretary-General Wang Hongsong made the summary on 2011 work.

“Each challenge creates opportunity, every mistake results in growth, every difficulty adds wisdom, each frustration turns into courage and every pressure brings fortitude and every effort receives achievements.”

This is the comment of Wang Hongsong on the BAC that went through for 17 years since its establishment. It is these efforts that bring the fruitful results of 2011 work: The dispute amount is 11.9 billion Yuan, the new high since its establishment and the average dispute amount of each case is 8.0897 million Yuan. There are 603 cases in which one party or both parties concerned is in other places, up by 14.64% and 119 cases in which both parties concerned are in other places, up by 29.35% and only 2 cases are set aside ……

At the same time, the establishment of the BAC Mediation Center symbolizes the completion of the BAC’s strategy to cooperate with domestic and foreign counterpart institutions, provide and promote the mediation services for commercial affairs and expand the diversified dispute resolution ability of the BAC.

In the year 2011, the BAC has made the breakthrough progress in foreign publicity and international communications. The number of events, quality and social effects achieved has been greatly improved compared to the previous years. In June, the BAC, jointly with China Group Companies Association, held the forum on “legal risk management on overseas investment and operation” and in July, the BAC participated in the fourth Asia-pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG) in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Secretary-General of the BAC Wang Hongsong was selected as the vice chairman of Asia-pacific regional arbitration institution. In November, the BAC, with Law School, Tsinghua University, held the fifth China’s Arbitration Forum, wrote the draft for revision on civil procedure law and reported to Sub-committee of Legislative Affairs of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress with the approval of over 90 arbitration commissions.

The BAC, as the new social organization, is included in “leading cadre field teaching base” by Beijing Municipal Party School in 2011. On May 24 and Nov. 1, the BAC had received the members of “democracy and politics construction course” of municipal bureau-level leading cadres training program and young and middle-aged leading cadres training program of Party School. On Nov. 17, the young-cadre course of National School of Administration organized its students to the BAC for field teaching on public institutions reform.

2011 is the year the BAC has made the most research results and achieved best effect. The BAC has finished the study report on “empirical analysis of foreign-related dispute settlement and risk management for Chinese companies” which has been affirmed by the leaders by State-owned Assets Supervision Administration Commission of the State Council and formally released to the business world as an important part of “legal risk management during overseas investment and operation of group companies” hosted by China Group Companies Association. Besides, the BAC has been responsible for writing report on the development of arbitration in China and systematically sorted out, summarized and reflected the development of arbitration since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This report has been formally released as a part of Report on China’s Law Development 2011- Law Enforcement towards Diversity in December and published by Renmin University of China Press. In addition, the BAC has compiled Analysis and Compilation of Typical Cases on Beijing Real Estate through the cooperation with Beijing Municipal Higher People’s Court and Beijing Municipal Real Estate Law Society……

Looking forward to the future, Wang Hongsong is full of confidence: The BAC is ready to set off and the hope is deeply ingrained in all of us. So long as we put our hope into practice, the BAC shall surely have a more brilliant future!

(Arbitrator Wang Jialu is sharing his experience)

(The Chairman Jiang Ping is addressing the New Year speech)

Then the arbitrator Wang Jialu shared his experience in development committee with various arbitrators. He believed that the work achievements on the BAC development are not only concerned with the active participation of all the arbitrators and but also relate to the devotion of the Secretary-General and the secretaries. In the BAC, the arbitrators have the strong sense of belonging and could deeply feel the fairness and justice which is also the target always pursued by the BAC.

At last, the director Jiang Ping delivered the New Year speech. During the speech, he firstly confirmed the financial transparency of the BAC and believed that there were many arbitrators to participate in the tea party each year, which proved the strong attachment and cohesiveness of the BAC. Looking the BACk, Jiang Ping said with emotion the fast development of the BAC and summarized that the scholar as the Chairman of arbitration commission and Secretary-General responsibility system was the precious experience deserving continuity. As for the alternation of arbitrators, he thought that this was the normal metabolism process for an institution and was also full of confidence for the prospects of the BAC: “the arbitration course is developing, so is the BAC. It is believed that the BAC shall surely have a more brilliant future.”

(The former director of Law Committee of National People's Congress Yang Jingyu and the vice director of Civil Law Office, Sub-committee of Legislative Affairs of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress Jia Dongming present in the Tea Party)

(Tea Party)

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