Beijing Arbitration Commission

An Expert Seminar on “the Situation of the Middle East and Energy Security” Was Held at the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Thu Dec 08 00:00:00 CST 2011   Contributor:Wangze

On December 7, the Beijing Energy Club held an expert seminar on the topic of “the Situation of the Middle East and Energy Security”. Saudi Arabian Ambassador Mr. Yahya Al-Zaid attended the seminar and made the keynote speech. Zhang Guobao, the honorary chairman of the Council of Beijing Energy Club also attended the seminar and made a greeting speech and participated in all the discussions. The seminar was hosted by Dr. Chen Xinhua, the president of the Beijing Energy Club. Mr. Yang Honglin, former Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Mr. Liu Zhentang, former Chinese Ambassador to Iran and more than 40 experts from the National Energy Administration, the Development Research Centre of the State Council, large domestic energy enterprises, and research institutes were also attendees. They had heated discussions on the reasons for the political turbulence in the Middle East and North Africa, the political trends of those regions, the situation of Iran, the oil policies of Saudi Arabia, the effects of China’s energy security, and the relationship between China and Saudi Arabia.

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