Beijing Arbitration Commission

Student Delegation of China University of Political Science and Law Visited the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Tue Mar 27 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wangze

On March 23, 2012, a delegation made up of 16 students of China University of Political Science and Law visited the Beijing Arbitration Commission (the BAC).

The visit was a part of the activities called “Walk in” which was organized by the university’s students union with the purpose of assisting students in understanding arbitration and enriching them with experience in legal practice. Jiang Qiuju, Deputy chief, Lv Xin, senior secretary and Zhang Jiechao, secretary of the second secretariat of the BAC received the delegation.

Watching the Simulating Arbitration Tribunal

An Informal Discussion

The visit lasted for half a day and was made up of three parts: observing a trial, a discussion section, and tour. Since commercial arbitration is not publicly conducted, it was impossible for the students to observe a real arbitration hearing, so staff of the BAC arranged for the students to observe a simulation arbitration hearing, a “Practice Training Class for Lawyers and Arbitrators”, which was held by the Beijing Lawyers Association, China University of Political Science and Law and the BAC. The arbitration case was a fictitious one about an insurance contract dispute. The students obtained some intuitive experiences about the arbitration hearing process through observation. After the simulation arbitration hearing, staff of the BAC arranged a discussion for the students. Lv Xin briefed the students on the definition of arbitration system, the relationship between arbitration and litigation, the characteristics of commercial arbitration and the development of the BAC. The students raised the questions that they were more concerned about and Jiang Qiuju, Lv Xin and Zhang Jiechao took the questions one by one. Everyone thoroughly communicated on issues such as the nature of arbitration, the pricing of arbitration and mediation, how the BAC positioned itself, the role arbitrators played in arbitration cases, and recruitment at the BAC, etc. Afterwards, the students took a tour around the offices of the BAC. Finally, everyone took a group picture to commemorate the occasion.

a Group Picture

The students expressed that they had deepened their understanding of commercial arbitration and the BAC through the visit; and the staff members of the BAC were impressed by the students’ diligence and enthusiasm for learning, their solid legal knowledge and remarkable research ability.

Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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