Beijing Arbitration Commission

MSOD Project Team of Pepperdine University of America Visited the Beijing Arbitration Commission for Research for the Seventh Time

Publish time: Tue Apr 17 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wangze

From March 26 to 29, 2012, MSOD (Master of Science of Organizational Development) Project Team (the Project Team) of the Graziadio School of Business and Management of the Pepperdine University1 in Southern California of America visited the Beijing Arbitration Commission (the BAC) for the seventh time.

MSOD is a postgraduate program tailored for the business elites with senior management experience, enjoying a highly regarded reputation in America. Most of the students of the program are senior officers of famous corporations in America, involving many professions in finance, law, public relations, human resources, etc. The program focuses on studies of Organizational Management & Development and adopts the format of a case study by selecting different types of organizations at different development levels around the world as subjects of studies.

Professor Chris Worley Hosting the Seminar
The Project Team Members Listening to Report.

The current MSOD project team’s research objects for its training scheme include large state-owned enterprises, domestic organizations and institutes with far-reaching influences and the branches of the Fortune 500 in China. Its selecting the BAC as its research object is not only because the BAC is the most rapidly growing and successfully managed arbitration organization in China, but also because it is strenuously dedicated to pursuing excellence, fairness and justice, and staunchly adheres to principles, which has great influences upon Chinese society.

Heated Discussions among the Project Team Members
the Project Team Members’ Group Picture

Before the visit, the members of the Project Team thoroughly communicated with the BAC and made it clear that the key aim of the visit was to study how Chinese corporations select, train and retain their qualified personnel; what differences and similarities lie between Chinese corporations and their foreign funded counterparts in this regard; and how they could compensate each other in this respect. In light of this purpose, they had deep discussions and extended talks covering the aforementioned points with the arbitrators who take high office in large state-owned enterprises, the chief of the secretariat and senior secretaries who have hands-on arbitration experience at the BAC. In its final report submitted, it analyzed the current situation of organizations’ personnel training in China, compared it with the mature training strategies of foreign funded enterprises and rendered its professional advice for the training plan of the BAC.

The MSOD Project Team believed that from the day of its establishment, the BAC has had a clear goal and prospects—to become a top international arbitration institute. For more than ten years, it has been adhering to its goal, continuously reforming and innovating, constantly discovering and making use of the strong points of others, absorbing international advanced management ideas, and improving its internal management structure; it not only has made great achievements for itself, but also brought the whole arbitration sector in China forward. The members of the Project Team sincerely wished that the BAC keep its frontrunner position and continue moving forward.
Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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