Beijing Arbitration Commission

An International & Financial Arbitration Seminar on the 25th Anniversary of China’s Entry to the New York Convention1 Was Successfully Held

Publish time: Mon Apr 23 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wangze

On April 22, 2012, the International & Financial Arbitration Seminar on the 25th Anniversary of China’s Entry to the New York Convention, which was co-sponsored by the Financial Arbitration and Resolution Research Center of Central University of Finance and Economics2 and the Beijing Arbitration Commission (the BAC), was successfully held in the Central University of Finance and Economics. More than 70 government officials, arbitrators of the BAC, legal consultants of enterprises, lawyers, and college teachers attended the seminar.

In 1986, the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People’s Congress decided to enter into the Convention of the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards3 (the New York Convention) which came into force in 1958. On January 22, 1987, China submitted its instrument of ratification and made the representation of reciprocity reservation and commercial reservation. On April 22, 1987, the convention took effect for China. Since then, tremendous changes have taken place in the arbitration industry of China—the arbitration organizations elevated their services constantly, the arbitration market has become more subdivided, and financial arbitration has served as the industry model of rapid growth. In the seminar, experts from the National People’s Congress4, the Supreme Court5, the Ministry Commerce6, as well as large enterprises and arbitration organizations enthusiastically voiced their opinions and discussed the aforementioned topics.

Chen Sheng, deputy division chief of the Supervisory Rules & Regulations Department (Research Bureau) of China Banking Regulatory Commission7 first briefed on background information and introduced the guests of the seminar; Zhang Qikun, vice president of the School of International Cultural Exchange8 hosted the first section of the agenda. Jia Dongming, vice-director of the Office for Civil Law of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People’s Congress9, Wu Zhaoxiang, chief of the Civil Law Division of the Research Chamber of Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China made their speeches respectively. Afterwards, Wang Hongsong, secretary-general of the BAC analyzed the significance of China’s Entry to the New York Convention in her speech and illustrated the development of China’s arbitration practice using the BAC as an example.

Chen Sheng Briefing on the Background of the Seminar
Vice President Zhang Qikun Hosting the Meeting
Vice Director Jia Dongming Making His Speech
Division Chief Wu Zhaoxiang Making His Speech
Secretary General Wang Hongsong Making Her Speech
The Meeting Premises

The second section of the seminar was centered on the topic of “In Retrospect and the Prospect ofthe 25th Anniversary of the New York Convention”, which was hosted by Chen Fuyong, division chief of the BAC. Shen Hongyu, judge of the Fourth Civil Division of Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China, Julia Mckenny, general legal counsel for North Pacific Regions of Northern Trust (NTRS)10, and Song Lianbin, professor from the School of Law of Wuhan University11 made their topical speeches respectively, which were centered on the trial and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards by the Supreme Court by applying the New York Convention, the effects and changes brought by the convention on and to Northern Trust (NTRS), and the nationality of arbitration. The audience was deeply impressed by the abundant information they offered in their speeches.

Division Chief Chen Fuyong Hosting the Meeting
Judge Shen Hongyu Lecturing
Julia Mckenny Lecturing
Professor Song Lianbin Lecturing

Xiao Fang, secretary general of the Financial Arbitration and Mediation Research Center of Central University of Finance and Economics hosted the third section of the seminar--“the Practice of Financial and Investment Arbitration in China”. Zheng Ruohua, chairman of the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) of HKSAR12, Lu Tao, division chief of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Li Xiaoming13, general legal counsel of Petro China International Co., Ltd., Zhai Yanjie, deputy chief of the Department of Legal Affairs of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC”) shared their work experience and feelings with other participants.

Secretary-general Xiao Fang Hosting the Meeting
Zheng Ruohua Lecturing
Division Chief Lu Tao Lecturing
Ms. Li Xiaoming Lecturing
Deputy Division Chief Zhai Yanjie Lecturing
President Guo Feng Delivering the Closing Speech

At the end of the seminar, Guo Feng, director of the Financial Arbitration and Resolution Research Center of Central University of Finance and Economics and president of the School of Law of the university delivered the closing speech, in which he affirmed the rapid development of China’s arbitration sector, wished that Chinese arbitration organizations further integrate with the international community. This seminar came to a successful close.

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