Beijing Arbitration Commission

A New Energy Club Expert Seminar was Held at the Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Fri May 04 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wangze

On May 2, 2012, the Beijing Energy Club held an expert seminar at the Beijing Arbitration Commission (the BAC). The seminar invited Ambassador Carlos Pascua1, a special envoy for international energy affairs and the Assistant Secretary of Energy Resources of the State Department of the U.S.A.2, to deliver a keynote speech of “Changing US Oil and Gas Markets and Implications for Global Energy Security”. Shi Dinghuan, the Honorary Vice-Chairman of the Council of Beijing Energy Club, and a consultant of the State Council attended the seminar and participated in the discussions throughout.. The seminar was hosted by Mr. Bai Rongchun, one of the founders of the Beijing Energy Club and a former counsel of the National Energy Administration under the National Development and Reform Commission3. More than 50 domestic and abroad experts from the Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs4, State Council Research Office5, the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council6, the National Development and Reform Commission7, National Energy Administration8, the Ministry of Land and Resources9, Chinese Academy of Sciences10, the Development Research Centre of the State Council11, and large domestic energy enterprises and research institutes, as well as British, Dutch and Norwegian embassies in China attended the seminar and had heated discussions on the issues of the changes to U.S. oil and gas markets brought about by shale gas revolution, global energy security, and U.S. energy diplomatic policies, etc.

(The Seminar Premises)

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