Beijing Arbitration Commission

A Symposium on the Topic “International Arbitration in China -- an Ideal Dispute Resolution” was Successfully Held at the French Embassy in China

Publish time: Thu Jul 05 00:00:00 CST 2012   Contributor:Wang Ze

On June 26, 2012, a Symposium on the Topic “International Arbitration in China -- an Ideal Dispute Resolution” which was sponsored by French Embassy in China with the assistance of Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) was successfully held at the embassy. There were about 60 attendees who were the legal consultants of French enterprises in China, lawyers, scholars and students from law schools at the symposium.

At first, Ms. Bai Lin, the French ambassador to China addressed the meeting in the morning. At the beginning of her speech, she presented the characteristics of arbitration, then she stressed that BAC was one of the most important arbitration institutions in China, and she extended her thanks to BAC for its support to the symposium.

Afterwards, Christine Da Luz, a legal counselor of the French Embassy presided at the discussion on “To Choose an Arbitration Institution and Conclude Arbitration Terms”, in which General Secretary of BAC Wang Hongsong delivered a speech on the topic of “How Should We Choose Arbitration and Sign Appropriate Arbitration Clauses” at the beginning. She presented the advantages both of arbitration compared with litigation and choosing a Chinese arbitration institute for international commercial disputes, and how to choose a Chinese arbitration institute and sign arbitration clauses. She demonstrated a great number of data to showcase the rapid development of Chinese arbitration institutes by the token of BAC. Mr. Zhao Hang, an arbitrator of BAC, delivered a speech on the topic of “ To Discuss the Impartiality of Arbitration from the Prospective of an Arbitrator”, in which he focused more on the experiences and practices of arbitration institutions to ensure the impartiality of arbitration by taking BAC as an example.
Ambassador Bai Lin (in the middle), Ms. Christine Da Luz (on the left) and Mr. Rodolphe Pellé (on the right)
Wang Hongsong, General Secretary of BAC, is Delivering the Keynote Speech

After that, Jane Y. Willems, a French arbitrator of BAC, Claude LE GAONACH BRET, a partner of the French De Shang Law Firm and Yang Caixia, an associate professor of Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) took the floor respectively. Their speeches respectively centered on the topics of “Why Arbitration is the Best Way to Resolve Disputes Involving Foreign-Related Companies“, “Where to Conduct the Arbitration Proceedings” and “the Determination of the Invalidity of Arbitration Clause in Chinese Judicial Practices”.

Arbitrator Zhao Hang is Delivering a Speech
The Audience is Raising Questions
Jane Y. Willems, Claude LE GAONACH BRET and Yang Caixia are Delivering Their Speeches
Judge Shen Hongyu, Division Chief Chen Fuyong and Professor Song Lianbin are Delivering Their Speeches
The Guest Speakers are Taking Questions

Ms. Bai Lin entertained the guests and attendees at lunch time, and guests of various parties took the chance to exchange their opinions more thoroughly. In the afternoon, Rodolphe Pellé, the economic counselor of the French Embassy in China presided at the meeting which focused on the topic of “the Role of the Court and the Execution of the Arbitration Award”. Shen Hongyu, a judge of the Supreme Court specially gave a presentation on “the Chinese Judicial Examination System and Practices in Commercial Arbitration Involving Foreign Parties”. The division chief of BAC Chen Fuyong, and an arbitrator of BAC Song Lianbin gave presentations respectively on the disallowance and setting aside of an arbitration award. Associate Professor Lu Song, lawyer Tao Jingzhou and Jane Willems discussed on China’s arbitration practices. Attendees of the symposium expressed that they had benefited quite a lot from the valuable opinions of the guest speakers and were looking forward to another chance to participate in activities of such a kind. The symposium concluded successfully.

Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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