Beijing Arbitration Commission

“Conference on Internet Industry Case Management” Was Successfully Held in Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CST 2013   Contributor:Wangze

The third conference of corporate case management research group, organized by Corporate Legal Affairs Management and Study Center of China University of Political Science and Law, was successfully held in Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) on January 25, 2013. With the theme of “internet industry case management”, the conference had attracted many legal supervisors of internet companies such as Sina, Baidu and LeTV and the famous enterprises in other industries and senior lawyers in dispute settlement sector. Deputy Director-General of Department of Policies and Laws of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Li Guobin and deputy director of BAC Wang Hongsong had attended the conference which was hosted by director of Corporate Legal Affairs Management and Study Center Ye Xiaozhong. Corporate Case Management Research Group is to summarize the advanced experience and achievements in corporate law management, facilitate the standardization and systemization of corporate case management and build up the platform of the corporate legal professionals for mutual communications. Up to date, the conference has been held for three times.

At beginning, the director Ye Xiaozhong had briefed the background and achievement on corporate case management study and reviewed the first two meetings, and mainly introduced the fundamental study that the research group has been working on, including building on the model for whole process of case management and special investigation on case management of nearly one hundred enterprises.

(Ye Xiaozhong is hosting the conference) (Conference site)

Next, the heads of legal affairs department of many famous internet companies shared their valuable experience in their own case management. Gu Haiyan, the legal director of Sina, by integrating the characteristics of internet companies, introduced the dispute management process and lawsuit management process of Sina Corporation. She proposed that due to high technology of network cases, the legal professionals were required to study constantly and liable to interpret the product attributes to the judges, which was unanimously approved by the participants.

Liu Min, the head of legal department of Baidu Corporation, shared their advanced concept of dispute management. He raised a metaphor of “axe”, that is, the legal affairs department may, by judicatory cases, create new rules, expand the boundary of corporate business and fit for the creative feature of internet companies, which was rather inspiring. At the same time, he had also introduced their experience in lawsuit management mechanism, legal talent training and selection and employment, etc.

(Ms. Gu Haiyan from Sina Corporation is giving the speech) (Mr. Liu Min from Baidu Corporation is giving the speech)

Liu Xiaoqing, the head of legal affair department of LeTV, sorted out the business products and case overview of LeTV and then shared her personal experience in creative case management methods, in particular how to supervise the contract performance and how to perfect the contract template, etc. Her introduction enabled the participants to think deeply and resonate widely.

During the free discussion, the heads of legal affairs departments of the companies in traffic, transportation, communications and finance sector, etc. and the lawyers with rich experience in setting foreign-related disputes, by integrating the case management of their companies or sectors, expressed their opinions on core issues such as concept, system, process, personnel management and organization structure of corporate case management and shared their creative practice in corporate case management respectively, which could be learnt and inspired from each other.

(Ms. Liu Xiaoqing from LeTV is giving the speech) (Free Discussion)

Subsequently, Deputy Director-General of Department of Policies and Laws of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Li Guobin and general counsel of China Mobile Communications Corporation Chen Lijie made the comment on the guests’ speeches. Mr. Li Guobin said the internet companies, as the innovative companies, might face more legal risks and their exploration in case management were of typical significance and good breakthrough point to study the corporate case management. As the industrial competent authority, MIIT would keep an eye on and give great support for the study on corporate case management. Meanwhile, he expressed the appreciation for BAC, as the non-governmental dispute settlement institute, to provide great support for subject study and highly valued BAC’s contribution to maintaining harmonious and stable market. The general counsel of China Mobile Communications Corporation Chen Lijie said this conference had enriched the significance of case management and expanded the value of case management. The experiences of internet companies had offered new thought and perspective for other companies. She emphasized that this conference had more forcefully demonstrated that the corporate case management not only involved the whole process but also the full scope.

(Mr. Li Guobin is making comment) (Ms. Chen Lijie is making comment)

The deputy director of BAC Wang Hongsong made the summary. As she believed, the target of research group was – to use the specialized strength, set up the professional platform, gather the professional elite and create the academic classics, which was consistent with BAC’s target. BAC, as an institute with strong sense of social responsibility, is committing to developing into the diversified dispute settlement center integrating research, training and publicity and promotion. For a long time, BAC has established extensive cooperation with all sectors, is well familiar with the industrial demands, development trend and changes, explores and follows the industrial development, closely follows up the business dispute settlement concept, ideas and methods and promotes the sustainable development of the sector by the successful cases with higher quality and important influence and diversified dispute settlement services. Wang Hongsong, on behalf of BAC, thanked the research group for extending the platform of BAC which had provided rich resources for BAC to solve the disputes and expressed that BAC would continue to offer more support for research group in the future.

(Ms. Wang Hongsong is making summary)

The conference was brought to an end successfully with warm applause.

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