Beijing Arbitration Commission

The 2nd Capital Network Legal Professional Communication Meeting Was Successfully Held

Publish time: Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 CST 2013   Contributor:Wangze

The 2nd Capital Network Legal Professional Exchange Meeting was successfully in Beijing Xizhao Temple Hotel on January 18, 2013.

Conference Site

This conference was jointly organized by Electronics Intellectual Property Right Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Resolution Center of Internet Society of China and Beijing Arbitration Commission (“BAC”) and co-sponsored by Baidu, Qihoo 360, Sina, Netease, Dangdang, LeTV and Online Mediation, etc. The leaders from Science and Technology Department of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Intellectual Property Division of Beijing Municipal Supreme People’s Court, Grass-roots Department of Ministry of Justice, Legal Affairs Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), etc. and legal professionals from domestic mainstream network companies, over 150 in total, attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Guo Yuzhong, BAC arbitrator and director of Resolution Center of Internet Society of China. Four persons, including the secretary-general of BAC Lin Zhiwei and section chief of Business Department II Jiang Qiuju, attended the meeting.


The meeting is themed as “duly guarantee the development of internet industry”. With the rapid development, the internet industry has been integrated into all aspects of work and life and the products and transactions are rather innovative. The primarily intellectual property–based internet disputes emerge in endlessly. The competent administrative department, industrial association, court, procuratorate, arbitration commission, mediation institution, and people’s mediation organization, etc. have exerted their respective strength and worked together closely, established diversified dispute settlement platform and solved a large amount of disputes, which has created the sound external environmental for healthy and orderly industrial development. The legal professionals of internet companies expressed their own viewpoints on how to strengthen their industrial self-discipline, respect, intellectual property protection and intensify the social responsibility of internet companies, fully exert the autonomy of will of net citizens to solve the network disputes and consider and settle the network disputes from the whole industrial situation.

The secretary-general Lin Zhiwei made the speech in the meeting titled “fully exerting the strength of arbitration and mediation and promoting the sound development of internet industry”. As introduced by Lin Zhiwei, roughly, the cases involving the network companies as accepted by BAC each year accounted for 20% of the total cases in recent two years. To this end, BAC set up the special intellectual property research group consisted of the arbitrators, established the joint mediation mechanism with Resolution Center of Internet Society of China, and formed a research group to specially study ADR rules and demands of network field. As arbitration is characterized by flexibility and respecting the will of autonomy of the parties involved, and innovation as the internet industry, we shall make constant exploration and innovation so as to meet the new demands for dispute settlement services. BAC is expecting to continue to cooperate with the friends from internet industry, deepen understanding on features of industrial disputes and further enhance the professionalism and flexibility of dispute settlement relating to internet industry so as to make our contributions to promoting and guaranteeing the sound development of internet industry.

The secretary-general Lin Zhiwei is making the keynote speech

The Capital Network Legal Professional Communication Meeting was a complete success and has become a yearly activity in internet legal field with distinct characteristics and practical guiding significance and played the positive role in promoting the legally sustainable development of internet industry in our country.

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