Beijing Arbitration Commission

China IP: Tips for Businesses Seminar Was Successfully Held in Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Fri Mar 22 00:00:00 CST 2013   Contributor:Wangze

On March 21, 2013, China IP: Tips for Businesses Seminar, co-organized by Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) and China Britain Law Institute was successfully held in International Conference Hall of BAC and nearly 60 intellectual property professionals from foreign law firms and international corporations attended the seminar. Dr. Chen Fuyong, the deputy secretary-general, participated in the seminar and gave the speech. He briefed the information on BAC successfully settling several complicated international cases involving intellectual property rights by arbitration and joint mediation, etc. and said that BAC would further strengthen the international cooperation and make every effort to build up the sound communication platform for foreign and Chinese professionals

The topic discussion session was presided over by the lawyer Matthew Townsend from China Britain Law Institute and five experts from Watson & Band, Four Pump Court , Strix Technology and UK Trade & Investment gave the speech respectively.

The deputy secretary-general Chen Fuyong is giving speech
Lawyer Matthew Townsend is hosting the seminar

Lawyers Alex Charlton QC and Matthew Lavy from Four Pump Court, by combining their own career experience, expressed their unique opinions on topics. Lawyer Alex Charlton QC introduced the environment and opportunity of intellectual property investment in China and Lawyer Matthew Lavy explained four freedoms of open source software from the perspective of internationally solving the IP issues, namely freedom of having open source, freedom of redistribution, freedom of revision and re-amendment and combined distribution and restraint involving in license.

Lawyer Alex Charlton QC
Lawyer Matthew Lavy

Lawyer George Fu, the associate of Watson & Band, had explained in details the intellectual property practices of the enterprises investing in China from the investment and import and export of foreign companies in China, the most concerned issues of foreign companies investing in China (making investment through intellectual property rights, through technical use right and investment cooperation agreement and through trademark strategy cooperation) and the latest Chinese policies in intellectual property investment and foreign investment, which had improved the confidence of foreign companies in conducting the intellectual property investment in China.

Mr. Tom Duke from UK Trade & Investment introduced the difference between invention, utility model and appearance design and briefed the number of applying for foreign-related patent rights and number of civil cases of first instance involving intellectual property rights in China.

      Lawyer George Fu
Mr. Tom Duke

Mr. Paul Hussey from Strix Technology, themed as “analysis of opportunities and threats of intellectual property rights in China from the client’s perspective”, systematically introduced the productivity, development, main products and professionalism of Strix Technology and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of intellectual property investment in China in combination with the practices of Strix Technology.

Mr. Paul Hussey
Keynote speakers

After the speech and in the Q&A session, the participants and guests had made the discussion and deep communications on transnational protection of intellectual property rights and China’s investment environment, etc. The seminar was brought to an end successfully with warm applause.

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