Beijing Arbitration Commission

Mediation Center of Beijing Arbitration Commission Co-hosted the First Beijing Mediation Forum of 2013

Publish time: Fri May 03 00:00:00 CST 2013

    On April 27, 2013, with strong support of the judicial reform office of the Supreme People’s Court, the office for Central social administration and comprehensive management and other departments, the “First Beijing Mediation Forum of 2013” jointly held by several organizations for dispute resolution and research including the Mediation Center of Beijing Arbitration Commission (hereinafter referred to as BAC) was successfully held in Beijing, with almost 150 persons from the field of law and business, trade organizations and all kinds of mediation organizations presented at the forum, having a discussion around the topic of “promoting mediation concept, exchanging mediation experience, sharing mediation skills and building mediation teams”.

    16 dispute resolution and research organizations, during the first mediation forum, initiated and established Beijing Mediation Union, including the Mediation Center of BAC, Dispute Resolution Center for Electronics Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Mediation Center of the Internet Society of China, the Mediation Center for securities dispute of the Securities Association of China, the Mediation Center of China Law Counsel Center, China Futures Association, Beijing Insurance Association, Beijing Banking Association, Beijing People’s Mediation Committee of Medical Malpractice Dispute, Mediation Committee of China Television Artists Association, Mediation Center for Commercial Affairs of Entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun, Mediation Center for Copyright Disputes in Zhongguancun, Research Center for International Dispute Resolution of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Research Center for Dispute Resolution of Renmin University of China, the Institute of Justice of Beijing Institute of Technology and

Director Wang Hongsong acting as the director of the Mediation Union, reading the declaration of the Mediation Union and giving a speech at the mediation forum as the president and director of the Mediation Center of Beijing Arbitration Commission
Guo Yuzhong, the executive deputy director of the Dispute Resolution Center for Electronics Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, acting as the secretary general of the Mediation Union and presiding over the mediation forum

    Wang Hongsong, the president and director of the Mediation Center of BAC, was elected by all organizations to act as the director of Beijing Mediation Union and announced that Beijing Mediation Union was established in the mediation forum, while Guo Yuzhong, the executive deputy director of Dispute Resolution Center for Electronics Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was elected by all organizations to act as the secretary general of Beijing Mediation Union, organized and presided over the mediation forum. Director Wang Hongsong, on behalf of the 16 dispute resolution and research organizations, read out the declaration: the Union solemnly guarantees to actively mobilize the positive factors of all organizations and make extensive advertisement to spread the mediation concept for the purpose of laying a solid social foundation for long-term development of the mediation career; to put into practice the mediation service concept from the perspective of a third party with neutrality, justice and profession, learn from each other and jointly make innovation as to the preparation and arrangement of mediation rules and procedures, insist on the principles of neutrality and justice and protect social reputation of the mediation career; to cooperate closely and interchange opinions on the mediation concept and skills, such as the training, assessment, evaluation and feedback system of mediators, building a team of mediators with credibility with efforts and preparing and improving industrial standards of the mediation service; to actively participate and support the research of mediation theory and practice on the basis of safeguarding steady development of all organizations, and join other public welfare career related to the mediation career personally, promoting the sound progress of the mediation career. Director Wang Hongsong gave a speech in the seminar on behalf of the Mediation Center of BAC.

Dr. Chen Fuyong, the deputy secretary general of BAC, giving a keynote speech
Zhang Haoliang, deputy director of the business department of the Mediation Center of BAC, presiding over the round table discussion

    During the keynote discussions of the mediation forum, Dr. Chen Fuyong, the deputy secretary general of BAC, gave a speech with the theme of “combining mediation with arbitration: flexible security mechanism for the exercise of mediation”; Zhang Haoliang, the deputy director of the business department of the Mediation Center of BAC, presided over the round table discussion with the theme of “the Current Condition and Trend, Problems and Challenges of the Mediation of Commercial Affairs” and gave a speech. Xu Jie, the training instructor of the Mediation center of BAC, gave a speech in the round table discussion with the theme of “Training of Mediators and Mediating Skills”. The parties to the forum enthusiastically responded to all themes of the mediation forum.

Group photo of principals of all organizations of the Mediation Union and guests of the Mediation Forum
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