Beijing Arbitration Commission

Report on Chinese Legal Development 2012 Participated by BAC Officially Released

Publish time: Tue May 07 00:00:00 CST 2013

On May 4, 2013, the press conference and seminar of the Report on Chinese Legal Development 2012: Professionalization of Chinese Legal Professionals, the composition of which was participated by Beijing Arbitration Commission (hereinafter referred to as BAC), was held in the Law School of Renmin University of China. Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of BAC, was present and participated in the discussion.

Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of BAC, participated in the theme discussion

The Report on Chinese Legal Development 2012: Professionalization of Chinese Legal Professionals is the third one of the serial research reports on legal development by Renmin University of China. Adhering to the empirical research style of “decision based on data”, the Report displayed the development of Chinese legal professionals in all aspects. BAC is responsible for “Chapter 5 Arbitrators” of the Report, which was written by Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of BAC, and Sun Yu, Secretary of Business Department 3 of BAC. The Chapter, based on statistics and practical experience of BAC, reviewed the historical development of arbitrators in China, made in-depth discussions on the qualifications, personnel composition, remuneration and practice disciplines of arbitrators, and looked to future professionalization of arbitrators.

Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of BAC, pointed out at the seminar that arbitrators in China already presented a trend of professionalization, and some professional arbitrators could make a decent life solely relying on the income from arbitration. Whether an arbitrator can stand out in the development of professionalization depends on the following factors: (i) the improvement of professional skills and the accumulation of professional experience, (ii) the recognition of professional spirit and the observance of professional responsibility. At present, some excellent arbitrators more and more frequently handle arbitration cases across regions and even across countries, which is helpful to break regional restriction, promote the establishment of a uniform market of arbitrators and facilitate in depth the development of professionalization of arbitrators in China 

It is learned that former series of the Report on Chinese Legal Development not only triggered heated discussions both in China and in other countries/regions but also offered an important channel for people both at home and abroad to learn about the legal development and legal construction in China. It is the second time that BAC participated in the research and composition of the Report. Last year, BAC participated in writing “Chapter 5 Arbitration” of the Report on Chinese Legal Development 2011: Move towards Diversified Law Enforcement. BAC will continue to actively participate in the research and composition of the serial reports in the future, and will fully and deeply summarize the trend of arbitration through its own experience, so as to make people from China and abroad to learn more about the development of arbitration in China.

Conference scene

        For detailed information of the press conference and seminar, please refer to:

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