Beijing Arbitration Commission

The Seminar on Techniques and Skills in Handling Cases Involving Enterprises Was Successfully Held in BAC

Publish time: Fri May 10 00:00:00 CST 2013

The fourth session of the research group for the management of cases involving enterprises hosted by the China Research Center for the Management of Legal Affairs in Enterprises was held successfully in BAC on May 8, 2013. The theme of the seminar was “Techniques and Skills in Handling Cases Involving Enterprises.” People from all circles concerned about the management of legal affairs in enterprises participated in the seminar, including in-house counsels of domestic large enterprises, judges, lawyers and scholars. Ye Xiaozhong, Director of China Research Center for the Management of Legal Affairs in Enterprises, presided over the seminar and Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Arbitration Commission (“BAC”), was present at the seminar and gave the welcoming speech.

Deputy Secretary General Chen Fuyong indicated in the welcoming speech that BAC was always oncerned about the research on the management of cases involving enterprises and participated in such research in depth. As to the issues caused by redundant trial and missing trial found in former cases, BAC conducted a series of systematic research and professional training, solving the aforementioned issues with high efficiency. BAC would like to popularize its useful experience to jointly improve the efficiency of arbitration procedure with in-house counsel in enterprises, lawyers and other arbitration participants and to win the respect of the peers with its professionalism in handling cases. Deputy Secretary General Chen wished the seminar a complete success in advance.

Afterwards, Ye Xiaozhong, Director of China Research Center for the Management of Legal Affairs in Enterprises, gave a brief description of the center and the former three seminars and introduced the research work the research group has conducted. Director Ye emphasized that cases and contracts were the groundwork of the legal affairs in enterprises and the touchstone of the competence of in-house counsels in enterprises. He hoped that the skills for handling cases would be fully discussed at the seminar.

Ye Xiaozhong, Director of China Research Center for the Management of Legal Affairs in Enterprises, presided over the seminar

Chen Fuyong, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Arbitration Commission, gave a speech

Then six specialists, scholars and legal supervisors from the theoretical and practical fields gave theme speeches successively. Li Fan, arbitrator of BAC and former member of the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court, comprehensively and systematically explained some particular skills for enterprises to handle cases and gave a thorough interpretation of some key issues, among which are the pretrial preparation, submission of evidence, counterclaim, cross-examination and settlement in cases. Professor Liu Kaixiang, arbitrator of BAC and professor of the Law School of Perking University, by combining lots of cases in practice, emphasized the importance for the parties to consolidate requests and define arbitration basis; meanwhile Professor Liu introduced some particular skills as to answer and cross-examination. Ms. Huang Rui, arbitrator of BAC and General Manager of the Legal Risk Department of China International Tendering Company, explained the key points for the management of legal risks in cases involving enterprises, and especially pointed out the importance of keeping electronic evidence and knowing the actual situations of the other party. Judge Wang Jinlong, Judge of Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court, from the perspective of justice administration, emphasized that the parties should have the ability to read and perceive cases and should actively communicate with other parties to achieve a good result in case handling. Jiang Yong, Director of Tiantong Law Firm, gave an excellent speech in the theme of “Standardized Management of Arbitration of Commercial Cases.” Director Jiang described the standard procedure of cases. Director Jiang sorted out the procedure of standardized management of cases and indicated that decisions on commercial affairs should be made based on risk assessment, analysis of presedents and procedural trend. Director Jiang especially introduced the “moot court” system in Tiantong Law Firm to handle cases and He also highlighted the importance of spreadsheets in case-handling. In the end, Mr. Xu Yongjian, arbitrator of BAC and General Counsel of China National Aviation Fuel Group Company, explained the issues that should be paid attention to as to the expectation of parties and the execution of cases.


Judge Li Fan, former member of the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court

Liu Kaixiang, professor of the Law School of Perking University

Huang Rui, General Manager of the Legal Risk Department of China International Tendering Company

Wang Jinlong, Judge of Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court

Jiang Yong, Director of Tiantong Law Firm

Xu Yongjian, General Counsel of China National Aviation Fuel Group Company

At the stage of free presentation, Ms. Wang Xin, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of Tsingtao Beer Limited, introduced basic information of Tsingtao Beer and indicated the importance of collecting and analyzing cases regularly and of cooperation with the administrative departments. Ms. Li Yikun, Legal Director of China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd., emphasized the necessity to cooperate with the operation departments to jointly response to cases and introduced some skills for companies to resolve disputes.

Wang Xin, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of Tsingtao Beer

Li Yikun, Legal Director of China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd.

The seminar came to a successful conclusion with the warm applause of the participants.

Seminar scene

Seminar scene

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