Beijing Arbitration Commission

3rd Corporate Legal Forum Was Successfully Held in Beijing Arbitration Commission

Publish time: Thu Aug 29 00:00:00 CST 2013

    In the afternoon on August 13, 2013, the 3rd corporate legal form: “governing law and dispute resolution in international business contract-from different interpretations to ‘legal obligations’, ‘best efforts’ and ‘good faith’ to international arbitration or choice of lawsuit”, as organized by Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) and Corporate Legal Affairs Management & Research Center of China and co-held by Corporate Legal Affairs, was successfully held in International Conference Hall of BAC.

    Marian M. Hagler, partner of Dentons International Law Firm Washington Branch and Keith M. Brandt, the chief representative of Dentons Beijing Office and executive partner of Dentons Hong Kong Office were invited by BAC as the keynote speakers. Zeng Ying, the managing partner of Dentons Beijing Office and Tang Gongyuan, the arbitrator of BAC and senior legal consultant and manager of IBM Greater China acted as the hosts of the forum.

(Mr. Ye Xiaozhong is giving speech)
(Forum site)

    Mr. Ye Xiaozhong, the executive director of Corporate Legal Affairs Management & Research Center of China and arbitrator of BAC firstly introduced the purpose and value of the corporate legal forum, recent forum events and project arrangement during giving the opening speech.

(Ms. Zeng Ying is hosting the forum)
(Mr. Tang Gongyuan is hosting the forum )

    Ms. Marian M. Hagler gave a keynote speech titled “Not So Civil and Uncommon Law”. She firstly talked about the binding effect of agreement to agree, and then covered the topic of good faith and fair dealing, best efforts and reasonable efforts and choosing your words, which has shown the survey of British and American contract law with unique features to the participants. Mr. Keith M. Brandt mainly talked about the agreement on governing law and dispute settlement while drafting the contract in his speech. While giving the speech, he firstly introduced the notes to be concerned while drafting the governing law clause, and then listed 10 considerations in choosing a forum in order of priority, which has offered valued reference in practice. After speech, the participants have communicated with the keynote speakers regarding the practical issues.

(Marian M. Hagler is giving speech)
(Keith M. Brandt is giving speech)

    “Corporate legal forum” is the communication platform for the corporate legal practice as built by BAC and Corporate Legal Affairs Management & Research Center of China. This forum is to facilitate the experience and human relation sharing in corporate legal affairs by strengthening the communication about the practical issues in corporate legal risk management, give attention to the new trend and new issues arising from the corporate governance and dispute settlement, further promote to set up and improve the legal risk prevention control during decision-making, operation and management, comprehensive improve the ability in designing the dispute settlement plan and controlling the dispute settlement process and finally enhance the company’s overall competitiveness at home and abroad.

Model Arbitration Clause Arbitration Clause
All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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