Beijing Arbitration Commission

BAC/BIAC Secretary General Mr.Lin Zhiwei attended the 6th Greater China Arbitration Forum and delivered a keynote speech

Publish time: Sat May 23 00:00:00 CST 2015

      On May 6, 2015, the 6th Greater China Arbitration Forum was successfully hosted in the Centennial Campus of Hong Kong University. More than 100 participants from Greater China region including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan attended this event.

      As a founding member of the Greater China Arbitration Forum, Beijing Arbitration Commission/the Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC/BIAC) dispatched a delegation led by its Secretary General Mr. Lin Zhiwei to attend the forum. Mr. Lin delivered a keynote speech on behalf of the BAC/BIAC titled “Enjoy the Competition, Promote the Internationalization of Arbitration Rules” in the panel themed “Development of Arbitration -- Legislation, Rules, Best Practice & Institutional Development – Session 2: China”. He offered a detailed introduction of the revision process of BAC/BIAC Arbitration Rules 2015 and key points of the revision, and shared valuable lessons of the BAC/BIAC in drawing on collective wisdom, adopting international practice, and keeping openness and transparency. Thanks were therefore given to those professionals who have contributed to the revision by offering insightful suggestions and pertinent remarks. Mr. Lin stressed that the BAC/BIAC would keep a positive attitude as always, and would continue to learn from top arbitration institutions worldwide, so as to build a more efficient and more professional commercial dispute resolution mechanism. This is truly because of the BAC/BIAC’s endless pursuit of perfection of arbitration rules as well as professional and efficient arbitration services.

Mr. Lin Zhiwei delivering a keynote speech

      Delegates of arbitration institutions from mainland China had a heated discussion on the same issue. It was a shared view that the convergence with internationalized arbitration rules should be a general trend, and arbitration rules of different institutions would then look more and more alike in the future. In light of this, arbitration institutions shall work closely and provide mutual help with each other, conducting a healthy competition and jointly building the big market for arbitration industry, where arbitration will have a larger share in the commercial dispute resolution market.

      During the Q&A session, the audiences spoke highly of the BAC/BIAC’s fast development in recent years and its leading role among arbitration institutions in mainland China, Applauses were also given to BAC/BIAC Arbitration Rules 2015 for its superiority and internationalization. Mr. Lin then replied to questions raised by the audiences.

Q&A Session

      The Greater China Arbitration Forum was founded in 2007 in Hong Kong as a biennial event, mainly within the scope of Greater China region. Members of the forum include those key arbitration institutions from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The forum is aimed to enhance and level of international arbitration, to promote the use of international arbitration, and to provide suggestions on legislation and practice of arbitration, within the Greater China region.

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All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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