Beijing Arbitration Commission

Madam Wang Attended the Council of Distinguished Advisors of Straus Institute

Publish time: Wed Jun 27 00:00:00 CST 2007   Contributor:

On the invitation of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution of Pepperdine University (Briefly the Straus Institute), Madam Wang Hongsong, the General Secretary of the BAC, acted as the member of Council of Distinguished Advisors of the Straus Institute (briefly the Council). During June 19th to 25th, 2007, Madam Wang attended the council meeting, the 20th Anniversary Celebration for Straus Institute and the Professional Skills Training Programs.

The responsibility of the Council is to provide consultative opinions for the development of the Straus Institute. The Council is intended to fulfill several functions:

1. Serve as an important source of information on pertinent developments and needs in business and legal communities, and also developments in the conflict resolution field.
2. Provide Guidance for the continuing evolution of the Straus program, including feedback on proposals and projects initiated by Straus.
3. Assist in expanding the visibility of the Straus Institute and the reputation of its programs among key audience in the U.S. and internationally.
4. Help identify and lay the groundwork for important strategic affiliations in collaborations.
5. Help the Straus Institute underwrite and implement programs.

The Council was divided into four working groups to discuss the following topics: Group A: A Dynamic International Agenda, Group B: Integrated Solutions for Business, Organizations, Group C: Education, Public Policy and Cultural Change and Group D: Convening and Facilitating. Mr. William Slate, President of American Arbitration Association, Mr. Jay Welsh, the General Counsel of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Ms. Dorothy Nelson, Senior Judge of United States Court of Appeals 9th Circuit, Sally Harpole Senior Arbitrator and Madam Wang took part in Group A to provide consultative opinions on where and how Straus’ broad and deep educational resources can be most effectively employed beyond the borders of the U.S. and what kinds of institutional partnerships may be most effective for this purpose..

Madam Wang was also invited to join in part of Straus’s training courses on mediation. The two lecturers, Peter Robinson and Eric Lindauer were experienced and clear-minded trainers. They cooperated very well and brought out the best in each other. They mainly introduced principles, put forward questions, and inspired the imagination and judgment of students. While they were giving lecture, they would note some key points raised by students at any moment. Students were lawyers, judges, legal counsels, usually knowledgeable, coming from different countries. They learned how to communicate and exchange ideas, as well as comprehend the basic concepts, theories and skills necessary in mediation. By this way, teaching benefits both teachers and students. The textbooks were just the references for students after class. More could be learned and seized in the class through the active participation.

The Straus Institute and the BAC also expressed their affirmative willingness to cooperate further and made a preliminary intent of next-step cooperation, including giving lectures through video-conference system in September this year and holding a professional training program on dispute resolution in Beijing next April.

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