Beijing Arbitration Commission

Seminar on Application and Interpretation of CISG in Member States

Publish time: Thu Sep 27 00:00:00 CST 2007   Contributor:

The Wuhan University Institute of International Law, The Pace University School of Law Institute of International Commercial Law, and the China Society of Private International Law have organized this comprehensive seminar on the international sale of goods, which will follow the 10th meeting of the CISG Advisory Council on October 13-14, 2007. Members of the Advisory Council and leading Chinese judges, academics, arbitrators and attorneys will discuss the rules of law established by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the application of the Convention in litigation and arbitration in the People's Republic of China. The goal of the seminar is to promote mutual understanding of the Convention's provisions and their practical application, thereby fostering the uniform and harmonized interpretation of the Convention and enhancing the rule of law in international commercial transactions.

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