Beijing Arbitration Commission

MBAs from Pepperdine University came to visit the BAC again

Publish time: Fri Mar 30 00:00:00 CST 2007   Contributor:

Pepperdine University’s MSOD BAC Consulting Team comprised of 10 MBAs paid a visit to BAC from March 19 to 22, 2007. After the visit in 2006, the MSOD studied the BAC as the successfully management model for the second time. On Monday morning, they received warm welcome by Madame Wang Hongsong, Secretary-General of BAC, who gave a brief introduction of the history, development and management of the BAC and the improvement measures based on the previous report, concerning the management of secretaries as well as of arbitrators. And she also proposed several subjects for the students to study, including the suitable structure for the BAC and how to balance the relationship between the committee, arbitrators and the office.
After talking with Madame Wang, the team members made separate interviews with ten experienced arbitrators and five secretaries in the BAC. Based on the information they collected from the interactive activities, they made a final report as a meaningful conclusion of their study. This report presents their conclusions and recommendations, i.e. aligning reward system with BAC vision to promote BAC in world market; ensuring BAC structure supports International vision of expansion; maximizing secretaries’ talent and future growth opportunities at BAC; focusing one department of secretaries on International development. These recommendations are worth of consideration, which centered on the internationalizing direction of the BAC.
This case study is meaningful and fruitful so that both MSOD students and the BAC all expressed their wishes that they would cooperate to carry out the case study annually in the following years.
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