Beijing Arbitration Commission

“Dream, Action, Fruit” - BAC Delegation Attended The Belt and Road Initiative Economic Legal Landscape and Dispute Settlement in Cairo

Publish time: Fri Dec 22 10:48:52 CST 2017

On 12 December 2017, the conference themed “The Belt and Road Initiative Economic Legal Landscape and Dispute Settlement” was successfully held in Cairo, Egypt. The Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center (the “BAC”) delegation consisted of its Secretary General Mr. Lin Zhiwei and its Case Manager Ms. Ma Xiaoxiao were present at the invitation of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (the “CRCICA”). More than 100 professionals from large banks and enterprises such as the National Development Bank and Huawei, governmental authorities and renowned international law firms have attended this event.

In succession to the Founding Conference of Belt and Road Arbitration Program held by the BAC in May of the year, this conference is another significant progress of this program which is jointly promoted by the CRCICA, the Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration (the “KLRCA”) and the BAC.

At the beginning of the conference, Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the CRCICA, expressed warm welcome to the speakers and audience who came from far away on behalf of the CRCICA. Thereafter, Mr. Nabil Elaraby, former Secretary General of the Arab League, gave an opening speech. He spoke highly of the Belt and Road Initiative as proposed by China, pointing out that this initiative would substantially improve the economic and legal environment of counties along the Belt and Road, and promote the investment and contact between such countries. Joint efforts should be made in the near future in order to find uniform standards covering various industries and thereby to improve the settlement of disputes between parties from countries along the Belt and Road.

Next, Mr. Lin Zhiwei delivered a keynote speech. He pointed out that with the deep involvement of countries along the Belt and Road, the international dispute resolution mechanism would be bound to play a growingly important role. And thus how to effectively resolve international commercial disputes arising from the Belt and Road Initiative would become a topic that would attract wide attention from legal professionals. As a means of dispute resolution in commerce, arbitration should play a vital role in settling disputes in connection with the Belt and Road Initiative. The CRCICA, the KLRCA and the BAC were located at the key positions along the Belt and Road, and have strong intention of cooperation and joint development. Following the founding of the Arbitration Program in this May, the three institutions’ discussion on further cooperation and development during this event was of high significance. During the past few years, China raised and actively promoted the idea of “Community of Human Destiny”, aiming at dealing with various global challenges and proposing the construction of a world with lasting peace, universal security, shared prosperity, openness and inclusiveness, cleanness and beauty. The Belt and Road Arbitration Program should be an important part of the progress of the “Community of Human Destiny”. This conference is just a good beginning of the Arbitration Community along the Belt and Road. At last, he wished the event a great success.

Speech by Mr. Lin Zhiwei

Dr. Sundra Rajoo, Director of the KLRCA, then presented an introduction of the investment and trade between China and Malaysia in recent years, and stressed that the Belt and Road Initiative has brought unprecedented opportunities, yet huge challenges coexist as well. A new question for the Arbitration Program is how to handle the differences and conflicts between different legal systems and frameworks, and how to create new cooperation using those opportunities. In this respect, arbitration institutions should further strengthen their cooperation to manage future challenges.

Mr. Essam Sharaf, former Prime Minister of Egypt, delivered a speech titled “Dream, Action, Fruit”. He proposed a global perspective for everyone, so as to realize the sustainable development of economic and trade with creative thinking. He highlighted that despite that the Belt and Road Initiative was initiated by China, it would produce a worldwide target, and dialogues should be conducted between different cultures, and efforts should be made for the common happiness of human beings.


During the session on dispute settlement, Ms. Ma Xiaoxiao presented an introduction of the BAC’s international caseload in recent years, and provided suggestions on strengthening the exchanges, cooperation and business development between arbitration institutions, promoting case administration, sharing arbitration facilities, as well as furthering the cooperation on arbitrators, arbitration rules and service standards.

Session on Dispute Settlement

During the conference, Dr. Ismail Selim showed Mr. Lin Zhiwei around the CRCICA. The host and the guest has had friendly exchanges.

Dr. Ismail Selim showed Mr. Lin Zhiwei around CRCICA

Group photo of Dr. Ismail Selim, Dr. Sundra Rajoo and Mr. Lin Zhiwei

BAC Delegation with Dr. Ismail Selim and audience

The BAC has been endeavoring to provide parties with first class dispute resolution service. Colleagues from different industries are welcome to continue to pay attention to the BAC’s dispute resolution practice and participate in the BAC’s various events. You are also welcome to obtain more information from the BAC’s website and Wechat account.

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All disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
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